May 31: (Sat) 10:00-3:00 p.m. |
“Paperweight Workshop” held at VCU. Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Workshop fee is $55.00 for PGG
members and $80 for non members (extra fee includes PGG membership). Fee needs to be paid ahead of time (at May
3rd meeting) or to our treasurer, Colleen Walker. |
Novermber 20-22: 9:00-5:00 p.m. |
Cappy Thompson's Glass Painting Class. This will be the first part of the painting workshop. Limited space sign
up early. The class is divided Titustown, Norfolk into two sessions, this is the traditional glass painting and
foundation class for the next session. Description/information on class sent upon request. Participants encouraged
to take the entire five day class. Fee for PGG Members is $240 and Nonmembers $300. (for three day session ). Fee
for all five days is: $400 (PGG Members) and $500 (non-members). |
November 23-24: 9:00-5:00 p.m. |
Cappy Thompson's Glass Painting Class. This is the second part of the painting workshop. The class is divided into
two sessions, this is the Titustown, Norfolk advanced portion of the class, involving transparent enameling. Fee
for PGG Members is $160 and non-members $200 (for two day session). Call Alice Rogan-Nelson at (757)875-1686 to
register. |